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My top nutritional tips to fight PMS

Actualizado: 24 dic 2018

Lets talk about Premenstrual syndrome, known more commonly as PMS, (i know not too sexy) this can be used to describe a broad range of symptoms related to the menstrual cycle.

These symptoms can be emotional or physical, and can manifest themselves in a variety of ways. In any case, if you're a woman who's had her period, there's a good chance you've experienced some of the negative effects of PMS  yes, I get you.

PMS can effect each of us differently. Common symptoms include: acne, fatigue, irritability, bloating, confusion, mood swings, breast tenderness, fluid retention, cravings, anxiety and weight gain.

But What Causes PMS?

The causes of PMS remain unclear. Most likely, there isn't one clear cause, a number of different factors, both physiological and psychological, may be involved. Much of the scientific evidence points to monthly hormonal fluctuations and the effect they can have on neurotransmitters. Initially, it was thought that women who experience PMS might have abnormal levels of hormones or suffer from some sort of hormonal dysregulation.

Recent research, however, indicates that it's likely not abnormal hormone levels at play, but rather that some women are simply more sensitive than others to these hormonal fluctuations.

During the first part of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, estrogen and progesterone rise to their highest levels to prepare the body for pregnancy. If conception doesn't occur, these levels will quickly drop in the second part of the cycle, resulting in menstruation. Some researchers believe PMS may be more strongly related to a response to changing levels of progesterone and not necessarily to a change in estrogen levels.

A decrease in the amount of circulating progesterone leads to a decrease in progesterone metabolites, which, among other functions, act as a sedative in the brain, promoting calmness.

The good news is that with a few nutritional and lifestyle changes, PMS symptoms can be relieved! trust me!

Here are my top tips to help you the next time PMS symptoms knocks you out:

-Reduce salt. Cook your own food rather than eating fast food or processed food because salt, like sugar, is hidden in a thousand places. Eating less salt is particularly recommended for patients with bloating, breast tenderness or swollen hands.

-No dairy before and during your period. I also recommend swapping to organic versions of dairy when you do eat it. I love organic Greek yoghurt. People seem to have less hormonal issues with organic dairy compared to conventional.

-No refined sugar at all. I also suggest to be cautious with your fruit intake too. I recommend 2 fruits a day and preferably low sugar versions, such as berries, apples, or if you are craving something sweet try with a cup of hot chocolate with pure cacao, love this! 

-Drink plenty of water. I recommend that women drink at least 64 ounces/1,8-2Liters of water daily to help reduce bloating, aids in digestion and has a number of other health benefits. You can also flavor your water with lemons, limes or cucumber slices.

-Vitamins (under guidance of a health practitioner) B6, magnesium citrate (this can help you with the cravings) or dyglicinate and primrose oil/fish oil. also Iron rich foods such as dark leafy greens, red meat, beans. Another foods recommended are brown rice, wholewheat pasta, wholegrain bread, cereals, nuts and seeds.

-No more than 1 coffee/day, caffeine can really trigger PMS and period pain/cramps. Avoid adding milk to your coffee. Try and do almond/coconut milk instead.

-Ensure you get enough essential fatty acids in your diet, oily fish, walnuts, seeds, fish oil supplements, flaxseeds, olive oil, eggs.

-Alcohol. My suggestion is to not drink before and during your period. Keep alcohol to a treat on the weekends and my golden rule is no more than 2 drinks at a time.

-Slow down a little bit, this is really important during this period, usually you can experience these symptoms more strong when you are not taking care of you properly, i mean you are having a stressful days or life, and this can be your body forcing you to slow down at least few days, so i recommend find the time to relax a bit during these days, maybe with a cup of tea or hot chocolate (my favorite!), a relaxing epsom salt bath or whatever it works for you, you will feel the difference!

I really hope this can help you! 

Lissette xx

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