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Nutritional advices for a strong and shiny hair

Actualizado: 24 dic 2018

One of the most common questions I'm asked is: 'How do i get long, healthy hair?' the truth is that healthy hair can only grow when your body is nourished from the inside. Here, I've listed my top tips for growing and maintaining healthy locks.

Best nutritional advices:

-Eat real food: There are so many nutritionally dense foods that contact vitamins and minerals essential for hair growth. Silica is just one nutrient that's present in leafy greens, cucumber, zucchini, mango and beans. Zinc is another important mineral that's found in eggs, pecans, Brazil nuts and fresh oysters.

-Eat good fats and protein: These are two key factors for hair growth. You need amino acids from protein to build strong hair cells, while good fats nourish your cells and make your locks shine. Oily fish, avocados, seeds and nuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which help to nourish hair and give that glossy shine. 

-Keep your iron levels up: Low iron levels are a common cause of hair breakage and thinning. I recommend eating a rich source of iron twice a week. Also, consider investing in a good-quality iron supplement under the guidance of a medical practitioner.

-Stay hydrated: This means drinking eight glasses of water each day. I love to keep a full water bottle with me throughout the day to remind me to drink up.

-Consider supplementation: From my experience, both iodine and zinc are essential nutrients. Iodine helps restore your hair's strength and volume, while regulating energy and metabolism. Zinc helps to maintain normal, healthy hair. 

-Make a nourishing hair mask: I love using cold-pressed coconut oil as a moisturising mask. It works wonders and helps to nourish the scalp and gives a beautiful shine. Leave it in overnight or for at least one hour before you shower.

-Remember to rest: I can't stress just how important it is to get enough rest. A stressed, exhausted body can't possibly function the way it's meant to. Rest isn't a luxury; it's a necessity.

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