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What your cravings mean?

Have you ever felt with an overpowering desire for a bag of crisps or the absolute need for a chocolate bar at 3pm, food cravings are a common experience, and yes i´ve been there too.

Sometimes it's just a case of a little of what you fancy, wich is totally fine! you can eat your treats as a part of a balanced and healthy lifestyle,  but if you have a reoccurring craving for a particular (usually unhealthy) food, it could be your body's way of telling you something's a little out of sync inside.

the good news are that these psychological effects are temporary but first we have to know what causes them in order to stop them. For example, chocolate cravings are often blamed on low magnesium levels, whereas cravings for meat or cheese are often seen as a sign of low iron or calcium level

Fulfilling your cravings is believed to help your body meet its nutrient needs and correct the nutrient deficiency. But trying to fill them with unhealthy foods can only worse the problem, better whole and nutrient dense foods.  For instance, it would be more effective for those deficiencies in magnesium to also crave magnesium-rich nuts and beans, rather than chocolate alone, (i know not cool for the chocolate lovers but you can always eat it with moderation).


Here are some examples of the reasons why your cravings may be caused 

If you crave meat:

Your iron levels may be low and so you need to listen to this craving and eat meat 2-3x/week. If you are vegan, check your iron levels and see if you need a supplement or to incorporate more iron-rich foods in your diet.

If you crave carbs:

Perhaps you are low on energy. My suggestion is to swap to wholegrain gluten free sources of carbs e.g.: brown rice, quinoa, and sweet potato. And to ensure you eat protein with each meal to keep your blood sugar levels balanced while your body digests these carbs. Examples of protein sources include: meat, chicken, fish, turkey, eggs, legumes, beans, tempeh.

Your gut may also not be in great shape, which can make you crave carbs. A gut cleanse can sometimes assist with this.

If you crave sugar:

You probably eating too much sugar! You need to go sugar free. It is hard at first but once you stop you will stop needing it. My suggestion is to completely cut sugar out of your diet. And keep even the healthy sugars to a minimum. For example eating low sugar fruits such as berries, grapefruit and lemons. I also love to suggest magnesium and chromium supplements to help you to manage cravings. Avoid anything from a packet! They trigger cravings.

If you crave fatty foods:

Usually this means your hormonal system needs some love. Just enjoy good fats as opposed to the bad one, enjoy avocado, nuts, seeds, coconut oil, olive oil etc.

However there can be other factors that cause your cravings and have nothing to do with nutrient deficiencies, They can be explained by the following physical, psychological and social motives:

-Suppressed thoughts: Viewing certain foods as "forbidden" or actively trying to suppress your desire to eat them often intensifies cravings for them.

-Context associations: In some cases, the brain associates eating a food with a certain context, such as eating popcorn during a movie. This can create a craving for that specific food the next time the same context appears.

-Specific mood: Food cravings may be triggered by specific moods. One example is "comfort foods," which are often craved when wanting to get over a negative mood.

-High stress levels: Stressed individuals often report experiencing more cravings than non-stressed individuals.

-Insufficient sleep: Getting too little sleep may disrupt hormone levels, which may increase the likelihood of cravings.

-Poor hydration: Drinking too little water or other liquids can promote hunger and cravings in some people.

-Insufficient protein or fiber: Protein and fiber help you feel full. Eating too little of either may increase hunger and cravings.


Consuming regular, nutritious meals and staying well hydrated may decrease the likelihood of cravings.

Also, getting sufficient amounts of sleep and regularly engaging in stress relieving activities like yoga or meditatio spending time in nature, can help reduce the likelihood of cravings.

In the event that a craving does appear, it could be useful to try identifying its trigger in order to take action and help yourself with these cravings.

I hope this can help you!

Lissette xx

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